Sorting Office Maths Challenge (Reception and KS1)

Get set for an interactive Maths challenge to sort the post on time.
  • Step into our sorting office and use problem-solving skills to sort and deliver the post on time. This interactive challenge will develop maths talk and supports maths mastery.

    Students will:

    • Count two more and two less to share out parcels
    • Sort parcels by size and shape and see how they vary in weight
    • Sequence number lines, counting in twos to build a giant street
    • Calculate number bonds to deliver letters to the correct doors


    Curriculum Links:

    • Reception: Maths, Understanding the World, Communication and Language
    • KS1: Maths, Literacy


    Session information:

    • Reception and KS1*
    • 45 minutes
    • Max 35 students
    • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

    *This session is differentiated for each year group. To support engagement with the maths concepts, it is available for Reception in Spring and Summer term only.

  • Visit activities:
    Itinerary with set times for Sorting Office Maths Challenge session, Exhibitions, Lunch, Mail Rail ride and Sorted! (optional).

    Visit cost:

    Sorting Office Maths Challenge is funded by The Portal Trust. State-funded primary schools in Inner London boroughs (Camden, Greenwich, Hackney, Hammersmith & Fulham, Islington, Kensington & Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Newham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth, Westminster and the City of London) can book for discounted rates:

    • Sorting Office Maths Challenge with Mail Rail ride: £160 per class
    • Sorting Office Maths Challenge with Mail Rail ride and Sorted!: £200 per class


    Non-inner London schools rates:

    • Sorting Office Maths Challenge with Mail Rail ride: £180 per class
    • Sorting Office Maths Challenge with Mail Rail ride and Sorted!: £220 per class