Changes to our Privacy Policy for NHS Test and Trace

We have updated our Privacy Policy to reflect requirements for taking part in the NHS Test & Trace scheme.  This is important to keep our staff and visitors safe. We are doing this to help reduce the risk of any local outbreak of COVID-19.

By sharing your information, NHS Test & Trace can quickly identify people who have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and ask them to take the necessary precautions to keep others safe.

Changes we have made to our privacy policy:

  • Advanced booking is required
  • For 21 days after your visit, your information may be shared with a legitimate public health authority for the purposes of the ‘NHS Test & Trace’ contact tracing scheme. This may include your name and contact details which may include your email and/or contact number unless you opt-out.
  • Providing a phone number is now mandatory on bookings. This will only be used if we receive a request from a legitimate public health authority for the purposes of NHS Test & Trace scheme.

You can read the full privacy policy here and visit the section ’Who we share your information with’  to  view the changes and how to opt-out if you are visiting us.