George VI Definitive Registration Sheets

We hold original artwork, metal dies, plates and proof sheets for various definitive issues from the reign of George VI.

Amongst the other unique material in our collection is a plaster model of the king’s head created by Edmund Dulac. The model was used by Dulac and Eric Gill to create the low value definitive stamps. For the high value definitives, which were printed using the recess method, we have the original metal dies but no plates.

Plaster model of the king’s head

Plaster model of the king’s head

George VI low value definitives: 1d controls (POST 150/GVI/2/027)

George VI low value definitives: 1d controls (POST 150/GVI/2/027)

‘Emergency’ designs

Also of interest is material related to some designs created in case of emergency. All low value GB stamps of George VI were printed in gravure by Harrison & Sons. The Post Office was worried that they were the only suppliers of gravure stamps. Designs were therefore created for letterpress stamps in case of emergency.

These were never issued, but dies and plates were created for several values and the design was used for postal stationery. Black proof sheets from the Royal Mint, several metal dies and three printing plates survive in our collections.

Online Catalogue

View the George VI registration sheets.