Schools outreach booking request form

Fill in the booking form to request Sorting Office Maths Challenge outreach in your school.

Sessions are available for state-funded primary schools in eligible

Read the schools outreach FAQs and the schools booking Terms and Conditions (PDF).

To request outreach sessions, you need this information:

  • First and second choice of date
  • Number of classes (minimum booking 2 classes)*
  • Access and special requirements

*Book for up to 6 classes on the booking form. Where possible we will schedule visits on consecutive days.

We will be in touch to discuss your booking request within one week.

Got a question for us? Email [email protected]

We will send a provisional booking email. You have one week to reply to confirm your booking, or request changes.

A booking confirmation email is a confirmed outreach visit. To change or cancel your booking, contact our Bookings Support team within 30 days of the email date.

Cancellation terms are in our Terms and Conditions (PDF).

Your invoice will show the cost of your outreach sessions and include instructions for how to pay. Payment in full must be made by BACS transfer or cheque within 30 days of the date of your confirmation email.

To request an outreach session, please use the form below. Alternatively, you can download a Word version of this and send your completed form to: [email protected]

Download the schools outreach booking form (DOC) >


The information you provide us with will be used to process your booking request. If you selected ‘Yes’ to join our schools mailing list we’ll email you updates about our schools programmes. We will keep your information secure and will delete it in line with our retention procedures. We won’t share your information with any third party for their own marketing purposes without your consent. You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time. Please see our Privacy Policy for further details about our processing and your rights or email [email protected]