Mail Rail for schools

Mail Rail is the exciting highlight of a school visit.


Mail Rail Trail

Follow a trail around Mail Rail exhibition space and find out about the workers who kept Mail Rail moving around the clock.

About the ride

Mail Rail ride lasts 20 minutes and is an immersive underground experience. The ride contains moments of pitch darkness and some loud noises and flashing lights.

Mail Rail access

Mail Rail was built to carry mail not people. Unfortunately, this means there are access restrictions.

Mail Rail ride contains conditions which may be unsuitable for students with physical or mobility issues, claustrophia or a pre-existing condition that could be made worse by loud noises, flashing lights or confined spaces. Schools should consider this at the point of booking.

Accessible Mail Rail Film is available as an alternative for visitors who might not be able/willing to ride.

Find out more about Mail Rail access and rules.

Get ready for the ride 

Read our Teachers’ notes for Mail Rail (PDF) and show your students our Visual story (PDF) to prepare to ride Mail Rail.

What teachers tell us

“It was such a valuable experience for the children which they will remember for a long time.” – Year 4 teacher

“Immersive train ride that gives a great insight into mail delivery of the past.” – Year 6 teacher